永利集团(3044-YL认证)最新链接-City Of Dreams

Solution > Improvement of Water Environment Quality Solutions >

Water body sensory pleasure index evaluation solution

Program overview

Scientific monitoring, comprehensive assessment, and restoration of the sensory quality of water bodies for the public

The water body sensory pleasure index evaluation system adopts an integrated design, integrating analytical instruments and supporting equipment into an integrated cabinet. It has the function of collecting ORP, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and ammonia nitrogen data and controlling the operation of the station water circuit, and uploads it to The monitoring system information management platform calculates the sensory pleasure index and publishes it for display.

It can evaluate the water quality status of urban rivers and lakes, especially the sensory quality of water, support relevant management departments in the management of urban rivers and lakes, and can be used by management departments to comprehensively evaluate the pollution and treatment levels of urban rivers, park water bodies and scenic water bodies.

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